I realized over the years that I find myself feeling the need to always wanting to check my social media, email or just reading technology news. Turns out that these activities actually produces dopamine that make use feels good.
But the issue is that, our body will never be satisfied, it just want more and more. Before we knew it, it becomes a loop. The body feels wants to feel good. You check the internet. The brain produces dopamine. You feel good. And it just repeats. Before you know it, hours has past. This becomes a habit.
The thing is this, this is unproductive. You are not doing anything useful or valuable to people’s life or your life. Once you recognize this, how do you stop it?
First thing I did is to ban myself from social media. Social media is harmful in the sense that it is design for us to always felt the need to look into it. It trigger a loop that never leave you satisfied.
Next is to ban sites that you recognize that it trigger you endless web surfing. For me is hack news and reddit and the various social media site.
I have just started this, I expect to get a withdrawal. But as long as I follow the system, after a period of time I should feel better.