I started collecting data about what I am really spending my money on, and I realised that I actually spend a lot of money on food. This all started when I decided to cut down on buying things. I came to understand that, many things that are being sold to us are not really necessary in life. Why do I need 5 watches, 5 bags, 5 shoes? (Yes, this is really what I have) Not only this causes an storage issues, I could actually save this amount and pay back my loan.
I begin to question myself, what I really want in life? Does all this material possession make me happy? It certainly does the moment you bought it but these things are so superficial that it almost guarantee that you will not feel any emotions after a month or two. What really make me happy in life is the ability to create value that changes people’s life. I am really lucky that I am in a field that I am able to have the potential to easily impact people’s life. However working for people also meant that you will not have 100% freedom to decide what you want to do. So what I really want, is to have the creative freedom and the ability to make an impact. So instead of define myself by the things I own, I started to define myself by who I am. At the same time, reducing my debt and increasing my income and savings to achieve true freedom, in which I am able to decide whatever I want to do. I think this kind of happiness is much worth it to fight for that owning things.