2017 is coming

the leap
4 min readDec 30, 2016


I can’t believe it. 2016 is gone is two days time. 365 days is gone in a blink. I have learned a lot in 2016. I believe that 2017 is going to be great. It’s going to be a big year any how. My house is going to be ready in the first quarter of 2017 and I am going to get married in the end of 2017. How exciting! It felt like I am going to enter the next stage of my life. Also not to mention, I am going to turn 30 next year. My 20s was a period of learning. Learning skills, learning to how to be a better person, learning how to live life. Of course, I will never stop learning but I think what I have learned over the decade will propel me to do great things in my 30s. I am excited!

One thing that I really want to start doing is to live a life of system/routine. I have a quote on my office computer that says something like this:

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”


“Success is a few simple discipline, practiced everyday, while failure is simply a few errors in judgment repeated everyday.”

-Jim Rohn

I am not saying that I know the perfect routine but I am going to start experimenting. Some of the rules I am going to set for myself.

  1. sleep at least 7.5 hours a day
  2. No electronic in my room after 7pm
  3. Mediated/Pray/Journalist for at least 5–10 minutes before I sleep and after waking up.
  4. exercise daily 10–20 mins
  5. No social media during weekdays
  6. Have an anchor task for the day

Also I think I have reach a stage of my life that I am pass my basic and psychological. While I still have to work to pay off my loans and mortgage but I think to be happy, I need to purse my purpose in life.

What is my purpose then? I have been thinking about it for days. If there is only one thing I can do for the rest of my life, it will be make things that will help people. If I were to be born thousand of years ago, I will see myself as a carpenter or a house builder.

I see my purpose as a craftsman. A craftsman that build good software. I want to excel in my crafts.

To Sum it out I found this craftsman creed on https://joshkaufman.net/craftsmans-creed/

The Craftsman’s Creed

I am a craftsman. I am dedicated to perfecting the art and science of my craft, which I have chosen freely.

I am constantly, relentlessly searching for ways to improve my craft. I am dedicated to learning from the masters who have preceded me in every way I am able.

I create valuable things that other people want or need. I generously offer my work as a gift when it is wise, but my purpose is to help those who value my work enough to pay for what I have to offer. No one has an unlimited claim on my craft, knowledge, or the fruits of my effort. I work for people who value and support me.

I honestly promote what I have to offer, consistently and to the limit of my capabilities. I make no apologies for promoting my craft. I am proud of my work, and it is my duty and responsibility to reach people who may benefit from my craft. I can help them no other way.

I do my best to ensure that every single person who trusts me with their time, attention, or money is happy with their investment. If they are not, I will do whatever is in my power to do right by them without delay.

Skills are a craftsman’s credentials. I care more about a person’s character, what they know, and what they can do than where they grew up, where they went to school, or how many letters they have after their name. I choose to work with other craftsmen: people who are skilled, not simply schooled.

I respect other craftsmen, and I generously assist them however I’m able. I have no respect for the fool who searches for a way to enjoy the fruits of labor without effort, or the scoundrel who seeks to enrich himself by deluding others. Value, not wealth or fame, is the true measure of every craftsman.

I take good care of myself. My mind and body are the tools I use to advance my craft, so I take care of them. Rest and recovery are essential to my life: a worn-down tool is of no use at all.

I never stop pushing my limits. I am constantly testing and experimenting with new ways to expand my capabilities. It is my way of life.

I refuse to waste precious time and energy on trivial matters, trivial problems, and trivial people. I choose to focus only on the most important of demands: those that help me advance my craft or take care of the people who depend on me.

The world is an uncertain place, which I can not fully predict or control. Regardless, I will do everything in my power to prepare for every challenge and weather every storm. Nothing in this world is powerful enough to stop me from continuing to practice my craft.

Anything that I can do to improve my craft, I will do. This will keep me busy until the end of my days: a challenge I gladly accept. I am a craftsman, and always shall be.



the leap
the leap

Written by the leap

Software Engineer, Minimalist

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